Delivery of the Module Learning Outcomes

Seller community MApro d.o.o. and Metrean d.o.o. delivered the software on the User’s hardware and trained the system users (teachers) for Module 2: Learning Outcomes, and Module 1 points: 1, 2, 3 and 12: Basic module and module of teaching records.

Introduced is the second module of the software package – Learning Outcomes

Seller community MApro d.o.o. and Metrean d.o.o. introduced a software solution, more specifically Module 2 – Learning Outcomes, to the teaching staff at the Faculty of Law in Rijeka. The purpose of this module is to assist teachers in defining the learning outcomes of a particular subject in accordance with Bloom’s taxonomy and the Croatian […]

Developing strategic grounding for occupational standards

The project team members in the past period have been working on the development of the strategic grounding for the six professions: judge of the administrative court, secretary of educational institutions, officer for personnel affairs, officer for utilities, authorized land registry clerk and head of the court registry.

A collaborative assessment workshop was held

On December 3rd, 2019 a workshop on collaborative assessmentwas held at the Faculty of Law in Rijeka. The workshop was led by a sub-contracted expert – Assoc. Prof. Sanja Smojver-Ažić, PhD from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, Department of Psychology. Through this workshop, the teaching staff of the Faculty of Law […]

Work meeting

On Thursday, October 10 2019, a meeting of project team members from the Faculty of Law in Rijeka was held to discuss the activities carried out (Workshop about Croatian Qualifications Framework and Development of Occupational Standards which was held in Zagreb on September 26 and 27 2019), activities in implementation (organization of the Collaborative Assessment […]