Upcoming activities as part of the project Providentia Studiorum Iuris
Activities archive for the the project Providentia Studiorum Iuris

E-pub book Improving the quality of studying at law faculties in Croatia has been published
We are proud to present the first free e-book Improving the quality of studying at law faculties in Croatia in e-Pub format, published by the...

Conference held on the occasion of the completion of the project Providentia Studiorum Iuris
The Faculty of Law in Rijeka is the holder of the European project Providentia Studiorum Iuris - Improving the quality of studies at law faculties...

Module IV Alumni Club
On March 11, 2022, Module IV Alumni Club of the Provis system was officially accepted. The purpose of this module is to enable the communication...
Lead beneficiary:
University in Rijeka, Faculty of Law
Project partners:
- University in Zagreb, Faculty of Law
- University in Split, Faculty of Law
- University J. J. Strossmayera in Osijek, Faculty of Law
27 March 2019 – 26 March 2022
Total amount:
3.543.935,40 kn
Financed by:
Project framework:
- Operating programme “Human Resources” 2014-2020
- Implementation of Croatian Qualification Framework (CQF) at the level of high education