Working meeting Module IV Alumni

On September 29, 2021 an online meeting of members of the project team and representatives of the community of MApro d.o.o. and Metrean d.o.o. regarding Module IV – Alumni was held. At the meeting, functionalities related to the registration of alumni and employers, data entry and visual identity were presented.

Provis Module I – Education for teachers

On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, starting at 10 am, an online presentation of the module “Teaching Records” was held for all teachers. The aim of this presentation is to facilitate the process of setting up courses for teachers in academic year 2021/2022 and taking over thematic units and teaching units from the previous academic year.

Provis Module III – Education for teachers

On September 16, 2021, at 10:00 am, an online presentation of Module III – Professional Practice was held, as well as a short workshop on its use by faculty teaching stuff within the project Providentia studiorum iuris. The module is aimed at directing students to professional practice and recording professional practice, setting tasks and receiving […]

The procedure for evaluating occupational standards has been initiated

In the Information System of the HKO Registry, the procedure of evaluation of the following occupational standards has been initiated: “Licensed land registry clerk” and “Head of the Court Registry”. The formal evaluation procedure has been completed for the following two occupational standards: “Senior Expert Associate / Senior Expert Associate for Public Benefit Collection” and […]

Working meeting Module IV Alumni

At the Faculty of Law in Rijeka on July 19, 2021, a working meeting was held between members of the project team and representatives of a consortium MApro d.o.o. and Metrean d.o.o. regarding Module IV – Alumni. The meeting aimed to present the initial idea and functionality of Module IV – “Alumni”.

The system Provis: Official handover of Module III Pofessional practice

In order to contribute to the achievement of one of the project goals – the improvement of the quality assurance procedure, the development of a customized software tool that contributes to the improvement the conduct of professional practice has been ordered. The officially handover of Module III “Professional practice” took place on July 14, 2021 […]

Working meeting Module III Professional practice

At the Faculty of Law in Rijeka on July 8, 2021, a working meeting was held between members of the project team and representatives of a consortium MApro d.o.o. and Metrean d.o.o. regarding Module III – Professional Practice. The meeting aimed to finalize the functionalities related to the offers of professional practice, surveys, work diaries […]