Workshop on the methodology of drafting occupational standards was held at the Ministry of Science and Education

Considering that one of the main objectives of the project Providentia Studiorum Iuris is to produce six occupational standards in the field of law, three project team members, Prof. Dario Đerđa, PhD, Assist. Prof. Marko Mrakovčić, PhD, and Ines Matić, PhD,  participated in a workshop on drafting the occupational standards. In the first part of the workshop, the lecturers introduced to participants the role of occupational standards in the application of the Croatian Qualification Framework and tools for their development. The second part of the workshop was focused on activities related to adaptation and implementation of the occupational standard survey, systematization of collected data and to the procedure for submitting the occupational standard proposal. Finally, a formal evaluation of occupational standards was presented.